Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of the President, President-Elect, immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Member Services Coordinator, Vendor Chair, and Technology and Communications Manager. The Boards purpose is to advise the President on all matter of association business. Additionally, the Board is also charges with determining the date and place of the annual conference and approve final arrangements (including conference budget and conference fees), investigating and approving or denying applications for membership in the association, approving nominees for elective office, honorary membership and other awards, appointing individuals to fulfill the unexpired terms should vacancies occur in elected offices, monitoring voting procedures, and authorize all fiscal commitments.
Above all the main purpose and goal of the Executive Board is to act on behalf of and in the best interest of the WACRAO membership.
Term of office
1 year; ascends to the presidency after serving 1 year as president-elect
Key responsibilities
- Leads the Executive Board in the operation of WACRAO.
- Serves as the regional representative to AACRAO.
- Ensures that the WACRAO by-laws are current and followed.
- Call and prepare agendas for executive meetings as needed.
George Henze
Marian University Registrar

Term of office
1 year; elected at the annual meeting, begins serving immediately as president-elect, and ascends to the presidency the following year.
Key responsibilities
- Serve as liaison for the LAC chairs to the executive committee.
- Lead the Standing Committees in coordinating the planning sessions of the annual conference.
- Work closely and communicate with the current president and other members of the Executive Board in preparation to assume the presidency a year hence.
- Ensure that concurrent sessions and conference speakers reflect the make-up of the membership, the work and current topics of interest of the membership.
Kelly Browning
UW-River Falls Registrar

Term of office
1 year; remains on the Executive Board for one year after serving as president.
Key responsibilities
- Provide Technology and Communications Manager updates for the website: Executive Committee, Standing Committees and Appointed Positions.
- Serve as special counsel to the President.
- Attend Executive Committee meetings.
- Provide a historical perspective to current issues being addressed by the Executive Board.
- Coordinate special projects as requested by the President.
- Arrange lunch meeting for Immediate Past President, President and President-Elect to review timeline and expectations of the President-Elect. Schedule in January.
- Serve as a member of the Nominations and Awards Committee (3-year term) and acts as liaison between that committee and the Executive Board. See details in the Nominations and Awards Committee section.
Curtis Turner
Gateway Technical College Director of Express Services

Term of office
2 years; elected at the annual meeting; if re-nominated (optional) may be re-elected for additional 2-year term. Election typically alternates years with the election of a treasurer.
Key responsibilities
- Record the meeting minutes of the Executive Board meetings and annual business meeting.
- Prompt the Executive Committee to ensure the WACRAO Handbook is updated/maintained.
- Serve as a back-up to the President-Elect or President should either not be able to fulfill his/her duties.
- Order gift boxes in October for honorary members and outgoing executive committee members.
- Print certificates for outgoing Standing Committee chairs, LAC chair(s), LAC Committee members, and Certificate of Appreciation recipient(s) in October.
- Purchase certificate folders for certificates in October.
Nikki Hemmerich
Madison College Credit for Prior Learning

Term of office
2 years; elected at the annual meeting; if re-nominated (optional) may be re-elected for additional 2-year term. Election typically alternates years with the election of a secretary.
Key responsibilities
- Responsible for all accounts receivable and accounts payable.
- Maintain a record of all fiscal matters.
- Coordinate dues renewal with the Member Services Coordinator.
- Provide a fiscal accounting report to the Executive Board at each Executive Board meeting.
- Provide a complete year-end fiscal (October 1 to September 30) report to the membership at the annual conference.
- File taxes.
Ritu Sachdev
Marquette University Associate Registrar

Member Services Coordinator
Term of office
2 years; elected at the annual meeting; if re-nominated (optional) may be re-elected for additional 2-year term. Typically elected in odd numbered years.
Key responsibilities
- Coordinate the dues renewal notification to current membership with the Treasurer. Membership renewal should be created by October 25.
- Creation of the membership renewal documents, sending of renewal to the two campus voting members, follow-up on renewals not submitted by deadline.
- Update and maintain the membership database.
Leah Mellas
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Assistant Registrar

Vendor Chair
Term of office
2 years; elected at the annual meeting; if re-nominated (optional) may be re-elected for additional 2-year term. Typically elected in odd numbered years.
Key Responsibilities
- Researches and recommends the selection of a site for the annual conference, and presents this information to president for review and approval by the Executive Board.
- Serves as a member of and works with the Local Arrangement Committee (LAC) to secure funding for the annual conference, determining vendor pricing to include, but not limited to, vendor fee, vendor fee plus presentation, sponsorship for breaks, meals, speakers and events. Acts as a liaison between the vendors and LAC.
- Works with WACRAO membership to cultivate new vendor relationships. Solicits and follows-up with potential vendors. Currently only corporate vendors are exhibitors at the conference.
- Works with President-Elect to determine number of vendor session slots and days/times.
- Solicits and coordinates vendor sessions offered at the conference. Provides vendor session descriptions to President-elect for inclusion in conference program.
- Communicates with vendors regarding fee payments and conference attendance (hotel arrangements, meal choices, special events, etc.). Provides meal information to LAC.
- Assists vendors upon arrival at the conference; is the point of contact for vendors during the conference.
- Recognizes vendors at business meeting and at banquet.
- Works with LAC on vendor social.
Sean O'Melia
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Admissions Counselor and Event Planner
Technology and Communications Manager
Term of office
2 years; elected at the annual meeting; if re-nominated (optional) may be re-elected for additional 2-year term. Typically elected in odd numbered years.
Key Responsibilities
- Solicit content from membership for WACRAO Newsletter.
- Edit and publish four issues of the WACRAO newsletter
- Frequency and/or specific publication dates may be reviewed and adjusted as appropriate.
- Primary content is news stories about institutions of higher education in Wisconsin, activities of individual members, information about regulations or legislation of potential impact to WACRAO members, and other news relevant to WACRAO members.
- Contact the President for a letter to membership to be included in each issue./li><
- A primary role of the Newsletter Editor is to develop and maintain communications with newsletter contacts from each committee and appointed position to gather content for the newsletter.
- Assist with other communication-related activities as requested by the Executive Board and committees.
- Manage and update the WACRAO website, including but not limited to:
- membership information
- officer and committee lists
- WACRAO by-laws and Handbook
- conference and workshop information & registration
- useful links to other sites
- Communicate with the Executive Board. Suggest redesign and upgrades when needed.
- Provide a brief annual report to the Executive Board at the November meeting.
- Serve as Executive Committee coordinator and liaison with President-Elect and LAC sub-committee chairs for annual conference registration, evaluation, etc.
- Coordinate new functionality and/or web design.
- Send organization, conference and job posting information to current members as requested.
Ellen Clark
University of Wisconsin-Madison Marketing Manager
