WACRAO 89th Annual Fall ConferenceNovember 5, 2020 WACRAO 2020: Virtual EditionReviewing the member feedback and reflecting on the dynamic challenges at our individual campuses and personal lives, it became clear the annual conference we are all familiar with would need to be reevaluated. The modified model for the conference will consist of two parts: a more business-focused event in November and an on-going series of professional development events to support the WACRAO community during the 2020-2021 academic year. Please note: institutions in attendance at the WACRAO Business Meeting will be eligible for reduced 2021 membership dues. A half-day virtual event on Thursday, November 5th. This (free) event will have two main objectives: provide a venue for business which we expect to typically occur in November and create space for sharing of ideas and community. Draft Schedule for Thursday, November 5th
Monthly presentations hosted by the standing committees. Taking a full-day (or more) to participate in a virtual conference could be a challenge; being away from campus demands and new personal responsibilities for longer durations of time is increasingly hard. Additionally, leaning on individuals now to create content for a presentation in November on-top of responding to the pandemic is a difficult ask. We are proposing a series of monthly gatherings, where each standing committee would host one (free to attend) presentation that would be of interest to colleagues working in either admissions or the registrar fields. Zoom Connection InformationThank you for registering for the FREE half-day virtual WACRAO event on Thursday, November 5th, 2020. Details about how to join the morning meetings are included below. We look forward to connecting with you! 9:00-11:00am – Fall Business Meetings Independent Colleges & Universities Meeting ID: 996 4162 2911 Dial by your location Meeting ID: 996 4162 2911 Meeting ID: 985 3885 2204 Dial by your location Meeting ID: 985 3885 2204 UW System Meeting ID: 969 7164 0014 Dial by your location Meeting ID: 969 7164 0014 11:00am-12:00pm – WACRAO Business Meeting Meeting ID: 996 8969 3183 Dial by your location Meeting ID: 996 8969 3183 |