2019 Conference Session DescriptionsOPENING SPEAKERJohn McHugh TH 1 Sessions – Thursday, 8:00- 8:50 a.m.TH 1.1How to Build a Successful Online Orientation for New Students TH 1.2 Badger Ready: A New Pathway for Returning Adult Students TH 1.3 UW System Restructuring Panel 2.0: Insights and Updates TH 1.4 Design and Redesign: Developing the new UW System Electronic App TH 1.5 Tracking Military-Connected Students - PeopleSoft Module TH 1.6 Transforming the Student Experience - DOE Title III Grant TH 2 Sessions – Thursday, 9:00- 9:50 a.m.TH 2.1 Transfer Best Practices Panel TH 2.2 CANCELLED - Supporting International Students in an Insecure Environment TH 2.3 Dealing with Difficult People TH 2.4 Query 101 TH 2.5 We Couldn’t Do It Without Them: Idea Sharing to Support Student Employment Programs TH 2.6 Creating a Record Retention Schedule TH 2.7 Dealing with Grief How do we as colleagues deal with grief when something has happened to someone else, or a family member/friend of a co-worker. When is it okay to step in, when should we stay back? VS 1 Sessions – Thursday, 10:15 - 10:45 a.m.VS 1.1 College Scheduler by Civitas Learning: Trusting a vendor with registration, WHAT?! Over the last couple years we've developed the functionality based on customer feedback - "I wish students could register from within College Scheduler after they find their perfect schedule". Maureen Vandervest, Functional Analyst will share UWP's experience implementing College Scheduler's new registration functionality, from testing to bumps along the way, Registrar feedback, how they created awareness on campus and the student’s response. VS 1.2 Paradigm: Credentialing at its best VS 1.3 CollegeSource: Transferology Lab Traffic Stats & Reporting VS 1.4 National Student Clearinghouse: Get the maximum value from your partnership with the National Student Clearinghouse VS 1.5 Parchment: Innovate the Registrar’s Office What efficiencies could be created in the Registrar’s office if there was one platform to manage all credentials including transcripts, diplomas, certificates and badges? It's more than just a transaction. Credentials are the currency in a meaningful exchange. Get a sneak peek into our analytics tool launching in 2019. VS 1.6 Lifetouch VS 1.7 CourseLeaf by Leepfrog TH 3 Sessions – Thursday, 11:00- 11:50 a.m.TH 3.1 Generation Z…It’s Not a Dirty Word When it comes to generational groups, the assumptions we make often hinder our ability to leverage strengths and work effectively. The session will explore foundational concepts related to the different generations and focus on the newest Workforce group, Generation Z. Come gain insights on how to best draw their interest and harness their talents to enhance how you recruit, retain, and relate. TH 3.2 Building Awareness of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A Discussion In May 2018, the European Union's (EU) formal adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect, leaving many U.S. colleges and universities scrambling to figure out how the rules apply to their overseas programs as well as the data they collect on students and employees who are E.U. citizens. This session will explore how UW-Madison has approached compliance with the European regulation. You will see who on campus is involved, what resources are applied, and what expenses are expected. The presenter will also cover more on campus scenarios applicable to GDPR. TH 3.3 Collaboration with Google Docs/OneDrive Learn tips and tricks for how to use Google Docs and OneDrive - we'll also be talking about the best ways you can collaborate with them. TH 3.4 Veterans Upward Bound This session will provide information on the Veterans Upward Bound program as a resource for providing basic skills instruction and other services to help veterans achieve their academic goals. TH 3.5 Great Leadership? Are You Kidding? I Don’t Have Time! You’ve received an unexpected request from your chancellor for data that’s needed “NOW!”, an upset parent has left you one *hellava* nasty voicemail, you’ve just discovered a system error that has campus-wide implications, and two of your staff members are arguing over who's going to cover the front desk for your student worker who called in sick. As you think about the difficult conversation you'll now have to have with them, you notice the several hundred emails that seem to have magically appeared overnight in your INBOX. You ask yourself “Is this really what I signed up for?” for the 10th time this week… and it’s only Tuesday. TH 3.6 Transcribing Credit for Study Abroad and Exchange Programs As more institutions are promoting international travel and also looking to international students to increase enrollment, the importance of maintaining an accurate record is key to helping these students through to graduation. In this session we will explore and discuss how two institutions handle international transfer credit processing for incoming international and exchange students. TH 3.7 The Importance of Mentoring: the Impact of Being One and Getting One Mentoring can have a positive impact on both the mentor and mentee. It means a personal investment of time and insight and can be very gratifying. Mentoring builds effective relationships and provides a good system of support. It can be formal or informal and is critical to career growth and development. Join this interactive workshop for a great discussion on being a mentor and/or mentee! TH 4 Sessions – Thursday, 2:00 - 2:50 p.m.TH 4.1 An AACRAO Update: Criminal History in Admissions & Disciplinary Notations on Transcripts The presenter will provide an overview of the 2017 AACRAO guidance report on disciplinary notations on transcripts and will share findings and recommendations from the new AACRAO work group report on criminal history in admissions. She will field questions and address challenges that members are facing in affecting policy or implementing related processes on their campuses. TH 4.2 Preparing Students to Graduate: The Final Mile at NTC To positively impact program completion, Northcentral Technical College (NTC) was awarded a Great Lakes grant that targets low income and minority students who are identified as “near completers” Our dedicated Completion Coach developed strategies, including an online orientation (The Final Mile) and final year experience targeting information and resources. TH 4.3 IT Security 101 Whether you are new to the University or would like to brush up on your information security knowledge, this presentation is for you. IT Security 101 will introduce you to basic security concepts and give you tips and tricks to keep your information safe and your school out of the headlines. TH 4.4 The Nuts and Bolts of VA Compliance Surveys This session will describe what to expect during a VA Compliance Survey. Information on what School Certifying Officials (SCO) should know, what the State Approving Agency (SAA) will be reviewing, and how managers can support their SCO through the process will be discussed. TH 4.5 Don't Be That Boss - Effective Supervision of Staff At some point in their career, half of all Americans have left a job to get away from their manager. Good supervision is key to an organization's success through increased productivity, fostering commitment, encouraging creativity, cultivating loyalty, and more. But it doesn't happen by accident. Supervisors need to make time to learn and develop the skills that will bring out the best in their employees. Join us to discuss, reflect and commit to finding at least one thing you can take away to grow as a supervisor. TH 4.6 That’s How We Roll: Building the Schedule of Classes Courses are the academic building blocks of a college/university curriculum, and the creation of the schedule of classes each term is a complex undertaking. Join us for a panel presentation and discussion on how different institutions manage various pieces of this process, including term roll, meeting patterns (standard and otherwise!), classroom assignments, and much, much more. VS 2 Sessions – Thursday, 3:30 - 3:30 P.M.VS 2.1 Salesforce Your students are everywhere. They’re on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. They’re emailing and texting. They’re interacting on communities, blogs, and websites – and they’re talking about their experience at your institution. Join Salesforce.org (http://salesforce.org/) to hear how to leverage Salesforce to redefine enrollment management as a key part of the student experience. VS 2.2 Credentials VS 2.3 Full-Measure VS 2.4 CollegeSource: TES – Using the evaluation workflow to build and store rules in TES VS 2.5 Coursedog VS 2.6 ACT/NRCCCUA: Generation Z is here and enrolling! Is your institution prepared to give Gen Z students the experience they’re looking for? This presentation, based on the Eduventures Prospective Student and Student Sentiment Surveys, explores the key distinctions between Millennial and Gen Z students and the implications those distinctions have on student expectations. Join us to learn how to serve Gen Z students better in recruitment and enrollment, the role that technology will play in the overall student experience, and how you can understand and use student mindsets to shape more engaging communications. TH 5 Sessions – Thursday, 3:45- 4:45 p.m.TH 5.1 Adulting' Your EM Strategies: The Why and How of Recruiting the New Normal Student The impact of the 2008 financial crisis on US demographics is starting to come to light in the form of delayed family formation among millennial parents and a predicted 15% decline in Wisconsin’s high school-age population within the next two decades. In light of this coming decline among potential traditionally-aged students, what can institutions do now to broaden their EM strategies to attract more adult students? This session will offer communication and community outreach strategies specifically tailored to reach potential adult students and convert them from candidates to students. Emphasis will be placed on how Admissions staff can reorient their efforts with some discussion on how the Registrar’s Office can act as a partner and assist with adult student recruitment. TH 5.2 Current Legal Issues in Higher Education What are the legal standards that apply to false or misleading information supplied to a university during an admissions or registration process? What happens when a student is accused of misconduct after being accepted but before registering? What are the best practices you should put in place when faced with a subpoena for student records? Answers to these questions and more will be discussed in this session. TH 5.3 Excel Tips and Tricks Learn tips and tricks for how to use Excel; everything from how to customize the look of excel to extracting information from your data. TH 5.4 Locating High FAFSA Potential High Schools to Promote Access & Affordability Filing the FAFSA is a critical step in the transition to college. Stakeholders have devoted significant attention to crafting policy with the goal of improving filing rates. We examine factors that may be related to FAFSA completion by answering two key research questions: 1) What are the characteristics of high schools with high filing rates; and, 2) What are the characteristics of high schools with high FAFSA potential? Identifying these schools can help colleges, community-based organizations and high school counselors target resources. TH 5.5 WACRAO-AACRAO - Navigating the Waters AACRAO and WACRAO rely on member volunteers to support the mission of the organizations. As current practitioners, WACRAO professionals from admissions, registration, records, and related service areas have been gathering since 1927 to network, share ideas, apply best practices and identify strategies for success. Through a panel discussion, learn more about opportunities to get involved with these two organizations at both the State and National level. TH 5.6 FERPA 101 – The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Are you new to the student records profession and have questions about what this FERPA thing is about? Have you been asked to confirm information regarding a student you didn’t know if you could provide? This interactive session will help you understand the basics of FERPA and hopefully you will have a fun experience with your colleagues at the end mastering this content to meet the pre-requisite for the next level with FERPA 102. FR Roundtable Sessions – Friday, 8:00- 8:50 a.m.Roundtable sessions are free flowing, unstructured conversations and an opportunity to share with and learn from your colleagues about timely topics of interest. RT1.1 Strategies for Effective Leadership, Management and Supervision RT1.2 Transfer & Articulation Initiatives RT 1.3 Wisconsin Residency Statutes RT 1.4 Gender Identity/Expression in Higher Education RT 1.5 Trending Topics in Admissions and Recruitment RT 1.6 Trending Topics in Student Records and Registration FR 1 Sessions – Friday, 9:00- 9:50 a.m.FR 1.1 A Partnership towards Completion With the grant opportunity provided through the Student Success Center from WTCS, Nicolet College chose to focus on better understanding why we lose students. Through an Insights Project with ReUP Education, we were able to get primary data on why we lose students at different points in our process. This data provides a deeper perspective to help understand motivations, attitudes, and behaviors of our students through carefully crafted questions and skilled success coaches. Our sample consisted of students who applied but did not enroll, stopped out, as well as students who successful completed for comparison. In this presentation, we will share the process, partnership development with ReUP Education, some of our key takeaways, and steps already taken to improve our communication to students in a distance learning environment. FR 1.2 They/Them/Theirs and Other Gender-Neutral Pronouns: Learning to Be Inclusive and Respectful of Nonbinary People In this session presenters will begin by providing some basic information about nonbinary identities and experiences. The focus of the presentation will be on learning about gender neutral pronouns. Participants will be provided specific opportunities to practice using gender neutral pronouns. The presenters will provide space for discussion to address specific questions and concerns of presenters related to working with non-binary students. FR 1.3 Transfer Initiatives in Wisconsin: A Panel Discussion Approximately one out of three students will transfer throughout their collegiate career. Transferability of courses is a recurring – and hot -- topic on legislative agendas while recruiting transfer students is a consistent institutional priority. This panel discussion will provide an overview and status update on transfer initiatives between the UW System and Wisconsin Technical College Systems, including plans to replace the Transfer Information System (TIS) with new functionality supported by CollegeSource. FR 1.4 Veteran Suicide Prevention This session will provide information on veteran suicide prevention from the VA Suicide Prevention Team, how campus can be involved in the care of veterans, and other information related to the mental health of student veterans such as common signs of Moral Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and available VA resources. FR 1.5 Unlocking Their Potential - Effective Supervision of Students It takes a special set of skills to effectively hire, train and develop student employees. They are an invaluable resource and tremendous asset to helping us fulfill our missions. More importantly, we have the ability to provide them with meaningful opportunities to develop the skills employers are looking for, all while having a front row seat as they grow personally and professionally. It will be worth your time to learn how you can positively impact their future, and yours. FR1.6 Using our SIS and LMS to Implement CPL Learn more on how Madison College uses our Student Information System and Learning Management System to implement Credit for Prior Learning. FR 2 Sessions – Friday, 10:00- 10:50 a.m.FR 2.1 Recruitment Beyond Admissions This session will discuss communication plans that are implemented over the course of (and beyond) an admissions cycle. Representatives from private and public institutions will discuss current processes and best practices used in order to affectively and efficiently communicate with prospective students and their families. FR 2.2 Programs and Policies That Support LatinX Students The LatinX community is one of the fastest growing populations in the United States. This session includes a panel of three presenters that will discuss what is being done in their schools to best support LatinX students. Ruth Lopez from Alverno College will talk about her work at a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), Alberto Maldonado will talk about UW Milwaukee's work with the LatinX community, and Michelle Kelley will talk about Edgewood College's Policy for when ICE shows up on campus. FR 2.3 Navigating a Leap at a Time...Or... How do you go about implementing and integrating a new campus data platform at the campus and system level? One step at a time or one leap? Join us to discuss navigating the ups & downs of a large project—UW System’s EAB Navigate Student Success Initiative. Pull back the curtain at the system and individual campus level with UW-System and UW-Stout where we will consider expectations, data integrity, timelines, needs and growth. FR 2.4 Military Credit An update to the process of awarding military credit from the Joint Services Transcript (JST), Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), and other military affiliated credits. FR 2.5 Emotional Intelligence Learn how to be aware of, in control of, and express your emotions to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically FR 2.6 More Fun With FERPA: Real Life Scenarios Hoping for some real-life FERPA scenarios to help hone your skills and didn't get enough at last year's WACRAO Conference? Look no further than this session, where we will review FERPA scenarios, give participants the chance to weigh-in on possible approaches and discuss best practices at our campuses. Audience polling features prominently in this session, so BYOD! Closing SpeakerBryan Lewis |